Video Archive

  • Flying soldier live demonstration Bastille Day military parade Paris 14 july 2019 France French army

    During the opening ceremony of the French Bastille Day military parade on July 14, 2019, in Paris, the French defense industry has performed a live demonstration with a flying soldier using the Zapata Flyboard.

  • The Holographic Universe Explained

    We live in a universe with 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Up, down, left, right, forward, back, past, future. 3+1 dimensions. Or so our primitive Pleistocene-evolved brains find it useful to believe. And we cling to this intuition, even as physics shows us that this view of reality may be only a very narrow perception. One of the most startling possibilities is that our 3+1 dimensional universe may better described as resulting from a spacetime one dimension lower – like a hologram projected from a surface infinitely far away.