49th annual MUFON Symposium (July 27-29) in Cherry Hill, NJ

49th annual MUFON Symposium (July 27-29) in Cherry Hill, NJ

Free events continue Saturday & Sunday with screenings of the award-winning films, The Phoenix Lights and Travis – The True Story of Travis Walton

Now you have a chance to meet

  • John Brandenberg– author and plasma physicist Life on Mars.pub presents “A Report from Mars.” He’s a science fiction author (as Victor Norgarde) Morningstar Pass, Collapse of the UFO Coverup To Rule the Night, The UFO War and Morningstar Rising, UFO Armageddon
  • Bob Wood, Ph.D.  an aeronautical engineering who worked on Ballistics Research at Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Army,  and worked on advanced technology for the International Space Station, who will be speaking on Alien Viruses – Crashed UFOs, MJ-12 and Biowarfare.
  • Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. who was a key witness to the still unexplained mass UFO events throughout Arizona, called the “Phoenix Lights.” Her bestselling Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic’s Discovery That We Are Not Alone Book, the internationally award winning Phoenix Lights: Beyond Top Secret Documentary, and the groundbreaking Phoenix Lights, UFOs & Crop Circle Graphic Novel/Activities Coloring Book, which are available at Amazon.com
  • Travis Walton is the famous Arizona logger whose 1975 forest encounter with a UFO was made into the Paramount movie “FIRE IN THE SKY”.
  • Ted Peters – is author of UFOs: God’s Chariots? Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Religious Yearnings in the Age of Extraterrestrials, Ted is a Lutheran pastor who specializes in the interaction between science and religion.
  • Plus More

 Saturday’s theme focuses on science and technological advances we might face when meeting advanced species, considering alien viruses, and the topic of transhumanism, future medical enhancements including artificial intelligence, and advances in understanding our solar system.

Sunday’s program focuses on the human side of extraterrestrial contact featuring witnesses of direct alien contact already. The Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial Experience will report on its three-year research study revealing startling facts on how contact experience changes one’s life

New this year: Free Friday, July 27 where everyone can get a taste of MUFON and what it does for humanity. At 10:00 am, Dr. Lynne D. Kitei presents on “The Phoenix Lights” followed by a Q and A. At 1:00 pm, Travis Walton recounts his famous 1975 UFO event and 5 day-abduction!. UFO statistics author Cheryl Costa offers your personalized regional UFO sighting reports for your town or county,

Free events continue Saturday & Sunday with screenings of the award-winning films, The Phoenix Lights and Travis – The True Story of Travis Walton. A Q and A follows with the filmmakers, Jennifer Stein and Travis Walton himself.


Claude Limberger

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